Meteor Crater

It was 50,000 years ago

Meteor Crater

Meteor Crater

The world's best preserved meteorite impact site on Earth. A 50,000 years old meteorite impact crater located about 28 km W of Winslow. The crater was formed approximately 50,000 years ago when an iron mass, weighing over 60,000 tons entered the Earth’s atmosphere, resulting in the formation which is about 3,900 feet wide and 560 feet deep.

The meteorite was mostly vaporized upon impact, leaving few remains in the crater. Since the Crater's formation, the rim is thought to have lost 50–65 ft of height at the rim crest as a result of natural erosion.

Today the observatory is nothing but stone ruins, however a visitor’s center and guided tours are available at the crater itself.

2 hours

Meteor Crater Info

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